A series of films for the latest laundry detergent format from P&G’s Ariel on the German […]
Case “Humanimal furniture” “We see the relationship between people and their pets as something very personal. […]
A feeling of freshness and scent have always contributed to well-being. Reloading the classic German Lenor […]
2022. After years of abstinence from the big advertising stage, the number 1 German gas station […]
Spring 2021. COVID-19 pandemic. After months of lockdown, home-schooling and home-office, people only wanted one thing… […]
Tips for the bin
The latest swipe!
The world doesn’t need walls
Technically superior in the diagnosis of breast cancer: blind women.
THE FLOW Campaign
#volvo #engelberg #winteriscoming #jonsnow #got
Auf ein WIR mit Jürgen
3D cinema like never before and for a good cause
The rebirth of a club
Painted with music – the new VOLVO XC40
The Magic Biscuit
The Welcome Machine
Radio commercial „Asia remains in the head“
Image Campaign
Image TVC 1 and 2
Radio Commercials “Grandma“ and “Parking deck“
Lufthansa Case
NIKE Hertha BSC Case “Aufbruch in die 1. Liga”.
Digital Campaign / Branded Content “Alfons geprüft. Ein Franzose testet Luft’ansa.”
The “Westfassade” at Munich Airport.
Shadow Billboard
Print Campaign.
Radio-Commercials “Flirt”, “Job“ and “Drugs”
TVC and Print Ads for VW Golf Plus.
Online-Shop Product
The Lufthansa “Join the Muppets” Cooperation.
Maxdome Case
Radio-Commercial “DSG Menü”
Pepsi Light Truck
Radio-Commercial “Reeperbahn”
The New German Post Code Campaign.
SIXT Rental Cars Navigation Banner
Lufthansa FC Bayern München TVC “Abseits”
VW Polo Bluemotion TVC
VW Touran Promo “Brokeback Mountain”
Print Campaign
Cinema Ad “End Credits”
Outdoor Installation “Ancient Vase”.
Campaign for an independent Art Magazine
Lufthansa Business Class Campaign.
Targobank Case
International Print Campaign
Président L’Original TVC
XMAS in German Advertising
Advertising on my own behalf as a Freelance CD Copy. With a web phenomenon that was topical at the time in 2015.